Yard Cards

Say It Loud and Proud

Display our custom yard cards on your front lawn

Do you have a special occasion coming up? Celebrate the right way with help from The Foto Booth Girlz. We make custom yard cards with any type of messaging you'd like.

With our yard cards, you can tell the world that someone special is:

  • Welcoming their first boy or girl into the world
  • Celebrating being one year older and wiser
  • Spending another year married to the one they love
  • Tying the knot with that special somebody
  • Walking across the stage to get their diploma
  • Finally retiring after a long career

Whatever you're celebrating, we'll help you get the word out. Call 504-782-1937 today for more information about our yard cards.

Make the perfect yard card for your event

No matter what you want your yard card to look like, we can handle it. You can choose the text, color scheme and design of your yard card. If you're not sure what design you want, we're more than happy to help you decide.

Get in touch with us now to learn more about our yard cards. Don't forget to ask for a free quote today.